How to achieve contrast with or without contrast paints
Last week I talked about contrast and how linguistically it is kind of a lazy word and it is used to describe a lot of things from saturation to colour theory to simple difference in kind. This week I am going to talk to you about how to achieve contrast with or without the contrast paint.
All of this will rely on one of two ways of getting a zenthal prime on your models either by airbrush as shown in the picture below or by simply getting three tools: large brush, standard drybrush, and makeup brush. And three colours a black (if using citadel paints corvus black is better than abaddon black), a mid grey (a mechicium grey if citadel) and just a white it doesn’t even have to be pure just a white which has decent coverage. After this you paint your model black, you aggressively drybrush grey with downward strokes with the standard brush and then you use the make up brush to do a light drybrush of white from the top of the model down barely touching except for the parts that are most exposed on the model.
Contrast/Speed/Instant paint
So why do I get you to do all of this busy work? Well, lets get how you get good contrast with contrast paints out of the way. FIRST do not slop on your paints like Games-Workshop advises, they are trying to sell you product I am trying to sell you a hobby and hopefully a love enough for it that you might buy my services because your too busy and successful: Mandatory plug for my painting service.
Thin your paint as you would normally. You can use this technique with washes, shades, speed paints or anything else that calls itself contrast like. Thin your paints and simply apply it to the model with the zenthal prime. Yes, I am not joking it’s that easy.
That’s Brushstrokes a mate of mine who started on a dinky forum and is now a regular at Warhammer World and features in White Dwarf magazine on the regular, now will you believe me? Gosh you kids!
So let me explain, the Zenthal prime has done most of your work for you. The areas which should be that the dark are dark the areas that should be light are light there for those Contrast-Speed-Instant paints pick up what you have done. If you don’t believe me, watch the video, if you don’t believe the video ask some people at the shop. Honestly, if you want to SPEED paint minus the addiction that’s how you do it.
Colour selection
THIS is the core of contrast. Select AT LEAST! Three colours in the same hue (similar colour). For this example I am going to show three from the citadel paint range (the reason I use them is there most known no other reason) Zandri Dust, Ushabti Bone and Screaming Skull.
(quick note on these images they are from that blog but I actually wouldn’t use the wash but rather just be more careful with my drybrushing, but that it’s me if you like this effect use it, its still good for an example)
THIS is the core of contrast. Select AT LEAST! Three colours in the same hue (similar colour). For this example I am going to show three from the citadel paint range (the reason I use them is there most known no other reason) Zandri Dust, Ushabti Bone and Screaming Skull.
At certain points in time I may even start off with Tallarn Sand. The reason I use these colour when say doing a skull rather than recommended Morghast Bone, Ushabti Bone and Screaming Skull, is for one reason and one reason alone. There is almost no contrast between these colours!!
Subtly is for chumps, RIP me when this is taken ten years out of context. However it is true, if you do not have a sharp enough difference between your colours the average person will not notice your work, there is nothing worse than putting years of effort into your Space Marines with subtle variations based off the light and then they all look like a muted see of blue when put together.
The Darkest colour from now on shall be known as your base. The second colour your mid tone. The third your highlight.
Drybrushing is the technique that I recommend the most for beginning painters because for beginning painters it is often hard to see what you’re doing right and wrong based on the sculpt of the model. Some models are sculpted with sharp angles and precision, others lazily blend into one another.
This technique will highlight the class of the model, rather than the skill of the painter.
You must have three tools for this a regular brush, a small drybrush and make-up brush. Apply the base colour over the area which you wish to paint, make sure that the area is completely covered and completely dried before moving onto the next stage. Once it is completely dry use the drybrush your mid-tone in controlled strokes to bring out the details in your model. This will show the areas you need to highlight as the areas which are mostly raised are the areas that will have caught the most paint. However, drybrushing can leave a chalky finish, so get your highlight colour and use the make-up brush as you would a drybrush, remember now more than ever it is important to remove most of the paint. The make-up brush is a lot smoother than the likely pig or horse hair brush that was your drybrush so when you go over the areas try only to hit what is already highlighted and it will smooth the chalkiness in your drybrush. This will give your finished result and it should be looking pretty nice now.
Layering for most people is just knowing as painting, its where you paint in, you used it layers. The first step to getting better at laying is taking photos before you start painting your model AFTER you have done the zenthal prime. You will continue to uses this reference throughout. The concept is simple.
Look at the area you want to paint select your three paints. First paint the whole area in your base colour. Second use the reference photo and look at the area before the prime, the area where it is grey and not black now paint in your midtone. Sharp separation in colours can make a model striking but if you use the zenthal prime as your guide it should prevent the model from looking clownish. Finally take your highlight colour and paint the areas in white in the reference photo with your highlight colour.
Okay so the secret to getting proper contrast is just painting? Correct. I am going to drop so other bomb shells on you.
Weight loss about is exercise and diet.
Painting is about time and effort.
Making money is about industry skill the rareness of your talent combined with the necessity of your skill plus the connection with relevant individuals market factors such as the invisible hand, world news, surety of success, investor capital, market speculation… okay actually this one seems a bit more complex.
Until next time friends
Keep those brushes wet