Why are Blood Bowl teams priced correctly?

Here is the thing ladies and gents. I price my commissions based off Games-Workshop prices and for the most part, the reason I do this is twofold. One, if someone is willing to pay the same price again for something, I am not going to be stuffed around. Two, if I am painting up something which is a recent release, I won’t have to worry about eating noodles that week let’s put it that way.

This is a yikes for two reasons. One the actual pricing and two sometime later when we are reminded how good we had it…

Blood Bowl Teams will now cost 150 for tabletop and 300 for character level, if you commissioning me for the job that is.

Luckily I have had very good clients and despite them wanting difficult technical work when I put the price at that rate they didn’t bawk at it.

But how much does a Blood Bowl team cost and why am I on about it at all?

‘Slightly’ better value for money

12 models, great dynamic design. In most cases you have 6 models repeated but usually, they give different heads for some variation all and all for 60 dollars. So why are these 60 but a single model new release is 3 dollars more? Here I will show you why.

Okay, so what I hear you say is: There are lots of alternative models for Games-Workshop regular Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer: Age of Sigmar stuff. Second, those cost way more on average than just the 60 dollar team…

Okay, sure I hear those things… BUT

These are full teams the cost of two 60 dollar boxes and… the most important part.

They are accepted by the community.

These three teams have one thing in common. They are highly thematic. Look at each of them are you confused by any of them? They all look as they should, the witch team provides a list of different minis. I don’t have to point out which witch is which to you, you know the witch just by a look. Okay enough of the cute wordplay, seriously you know their roles if you played the game by looking at them and even if you haven’t you could guess with a better than chance percentage.

Okay, super quick history lesson, one sentence long: Games-workshop didn’t support Blood Bowl for a long time the community kept going without GW support so non-GW miniature became normalised.

That is literally the difference between Blood Bowl and these other games take a look at Warcry where you are looking at 80 to 100 dollars for a warband with fewer models. You can say okay these are more dynamic or something along those lines but here is the thing…

That’s just a preference.

The Khorne team, new has all of the modern design styles costs the exact same as the other teams. There is no competitor to Warcry, its new there is nothing that competes with it except other game systems. Games-workshop has said that they are a luxury miniature manufacturer but when it comes down to it… That’s a lie.

They make game tokens.

I won’t lie they are the fanciest most detailed, most finely sculpted game tokens out there. But they make game tokens. And I love painting them… but 165 for a single model is outrageous and I want more people in the hobby I want to be up to my ears in commissions of 50 dollar troops where I tell people hey I may need to charge more… I want to be the bad guy in the story, not the hobby itself.

Because like you, I got into this when I was younger, and without those young bloods, the fresh faces… our hobby goes the way of roller skating. It dies as some old tired trend that hipsters adopted and then fall out of love with because of the other people in the hobby.

TL:DR Competition is good and we want all the new blood we can get in our hobby.

Until next time friends

Keep those brushes wet.


You should probably buy an airbrush…


Just do it two: Electric boogaloo