Just do it two: Electric boogaloo

My first just do it was written well before where I live was flooded, it was released when we were flooded… I didn’t know if I should release it or not but its effect was likely dampened.

This week I have been working on Skaven believe it or not this is a work in progress picture. See I wasn’t exactly sure where I was going at the start of the week. I knew my client wanted a rust effect. Check. I knew he wanted turquoise check. And red for the armour pads…

You know what I didn’t know?

Not for a single second did I know how I was going to tie all of this together until I finished up this model. I had done all of the rust on all of them, all of the red on all of them and all of chipped red (where I discovered I was out of salt…) but it just wasn’t coming together for me. Even after this it wasn’t until I discussed with the client that we had more grey/mixed coloured rats so they didn’t blend in with the rust.



Okay… I get it I am prattling on about myself it’s not helpful what is your point?

I am a commission painter, with a guideline on how to paint these models. If I am still getting lost at times, IT’S OKAY IF YOU ARE!

Here is the point of the first just do it article, you need to do it! Get some paint on the brush and paint those models! It doesn’t matter how good you are or how good you think you are just do it.

It doesn’t matter how many YouTube videos you have watched. Paint those models. Just do it.

It doesn’t matter if you have the latest and greatest wizbang thing. Paint those models. Just do it.

It doesn’t matter how many brushes. Paint those models. Just do it.

What colours you have. Paint those models. Just do it.

Paint those models.

Just do it.



Until next time friends

Keep those brushes wet

And don’t forget…

Just do it


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