Time is the Enemy
If you are reading things, I am choosing to believe a few things about you. You are more successful than me fiscally, romantically and spiritually.
Because no one got ahead by thinking they were better than everyone else. But even those who thought they were great like Alexander the Great, they knew to seek wise counsel. So let me tell you if you do not know this one truth, you are a fool despite your success.
Time is the currency of life
Time is the currency of life, it is the enemy, it will steal your children away from you, it takes your hobby, it will steal your sleep and it will take the people you love. And no one can stop it.
This is a hobby blog, why for the love of all that is holy are you saying these things?
Because there are people trying to steal from you. Last week I told you to ‘Start Now’ but more recently I have realised there are thieves among us. Thieves trying to steal our time. YouTube Shorts, TikToks and Instagrams and on and on and on.
As my Grand Father would have said, they are trying to nickel and dime us. It’s an old term so let me translate, they are trying to overcharge us but only for the smallest of things. See that is how the robber baron gets you. He doesn’t rob you with this big box filled with under costed things. He over costs all of those things bit by bit. And that is what social media is doing.
My wife and I decided to take our own advice and we started now. We have made a Facebook group, we are fighting the social media algorithm in enemy territory. How are we doing it? With our most precious of recourses. Time. Our time. We are going to review your ongoing hobby projects with video reviews and human touch trying our level best to help your hobby.
Because hobbying gives you the time you need for yourself, so you can better spend it with friends and family. So that you don’t click on that short because… you have something more worthy to spend your time on, something that will help motivate you.
I hope to see you there.
Time is the Enemy
Almost an age ago now at the start of the year I asked… Why are you painting? This is an important question and a non-trivial one. Many years ago I started WAYPN, a project I am restarting and from that, there were two painters I most admired from it. There was a lot to admire there. There were golden demon winners and there were crystal brush winners but it wasn’t them… It was these two.
The first was unsure when he first came into WAYPN but I think secretly he always knew he would be a painting rock star. The other…
This other guy is just a dude… just a man who never bragged never shouted… Was never unsure as best I could tell. What his unassuming paint jobs may not tell you is this. He is an absolute beast. He puts almost every single hobbyist I know to shame.
He has painted 2,757 models of a total of 2,849 that he owns
Let me break that down for you… that is 96.8% of his collection that is painted…
The average model when painted to tabletop standard usually takes somewhere between 2 and 4 hours to paint this means that… You are looking at
8,271 hours
Sounds like a lot, but he has been doing this for 12 years. If you break it down… and I am no mathematician but…
And I carry the one… that means… our friend here has spent…
Of his past life painting miniatures… that sounds like a lot… except… How long do you spend watching TV, YouTube, YouTube Shorts… I am not saying this as an accusation, I am saying this because I am no different, I too do this as much as everyone else..
10% That’s what we were looking for in psychology. 10% was significant, that meant something, that meant this experiment proved that something was going on. An ‘insignificant amount of time. Over 12 years, 7.86% of each day, 1.8864 hours each day were turned into.
2,757 painted models
What do they share?
Regardless of your goal.
To finish all of your models or to create showcase models
You can do it
You know how it goes by now
Say it with me now…