That’s toxic
Well I have played a few hours of Overwatch 2…
Look everyone makes mistakes.
That and working on Nurgle models has made me think about two things. People being toxic and things you may be doing that make you become toxic.
The pile of shame
So pernicious is this trope that there is a site dedicated to it!
What is a pile of shame? It’s your collection of unpainted, semi-painted, unassembled, semi-assembled, or in some way unfinished.
Well the first thing with being toxic, is simply referring to that way
Cavern of Wonders, Shelf of Success, and Conversion box
There is nothing wrong with having unfinished models, its like everything else in life, it’s only when it becomes a problem is it a problem. There is no cut and dry answer, basically if it is interfering with your life its a problem, it is not and it brings you enjoyment… it’s not a problem
Okay, so you need help?
Make a plan. Make sure that plan is split into smaller and smaller parts until you believe it’s manageable such as I will build this model at this time and you have real goals, and you can see your results and feel rewarded.
Rules Lawyer
From the most reliable of sources Wikipedia
A rules lawyer is a participant in a rules-based environment who attempts to use the letter of the law without reference to the spirit, usually in order to gain an advantage within that environment.[1] The term is commonly used in wargaming and tabletop role-playing game communities.
Here is the thing like many slang terms this term isn’t exactly correct or rather the term is uses as an insult when it shouldn’t be. Because rules lawyers are also like this
Often they are trying to play exactly to the spirit of the game.
Let me take an example. In Frostgrave there is a rule where if there are multiple people surrounding one opponent, you gain an advantage +2 to your 20 sided dice roll. Let’s just say there was a lot of interpretation about this rule and how it worked with group activation and other things. The reason this is important is that Frostgrave is two things, one is a tactical skirmish game. In this sense ganging up on a single individual makes perfect sense. In another, it is meant to be wildly swingy. It’s a 20-sided dice system where when you beat the other person, the difference between your rolls is how much damage is done, and on a 20 you deal an extra 5 damage. It is more than obvious this meant to try to simulate the wild swings and roundabouts of small-style games. So, being precise on this means that you're both living up to the spirit and rules of the game.
Being a ‘Rules Lawyer’ here is exactly what is needed…
Ahh memes what would I do with out you, meme to meme communication is the highest form of intelligence.
Most of the time, most rules lawyers, are just trying to point out what should be done.
Okay, so they are a problem
You’re playing with someone who is your friend or you want to be your friend right? Talk to them, they are human, and so are you. Treat each other like you are human, both you and them. Tell them why these interactions are a problem for you and listen to their response and don’t ignore it. Then converse. I know revolutionary ideas here.
Get Good
‘Git Gud Skrub’ said in the most annoying of vocal inflections is a phrase designed to cause derision and pain in someone else. As I said I have been playing Overwatch 2, everyone makes mistakes. It’s a team-based game, I am most often playing support (healer) or tank (designated aggro taker) and it is hard when someone else blames you for their failures because of your performance. A certain amount of self-reflection is required but, when I have a decent team that communicates, I simply perform my roll and I am often ‘on fire’ when performing as a part of a team. When as an individual in a team game I do very poorly. I am not going to carry a team based on my performance because I don’t play the role that does, that ‘damage’. So, here is the problem. Some of the times, it doesn’t matter how ‘good you get’, you are stuck…
Which of course they will respond with…
So why do I bring this up? Well some tabletop wargamers may have such an attitude if they do… Avoid them. I have never heard of such an attitude in a role playing game but I believe it to be possible…
But as you may have guessed… This is about painting
Getting good is bad?
This idea was inspired by this conversation but I want to talk about something completely different to what they talked about. They talked about people trying to level up and basically seeing everything as a failure. Which I may or may not have talked about earlier…
No what I want to talk about is something completely different.
Why are you painting?
I wrote a whole article on it, I am serious.
Why are you painting?
What is your goal?
That is the first question you have to answer. Are you trying to paint up whole army so you can have an entire army painted for this coming Saturday? Then why are you spending ten hours on a single model? You only need three colours on it just smash these guys out to your fourth step of your process and be ready to play!
Are you painting because you want to play a game with your friend but you want you character to look super cool but you don’t have the time…
No, I am not making a funny joke, if you don’t have the time but you have the desire to have painted models and well-painted ones at that… WHY AREN’T YOU COMMISSIONING SOMEONE? No, I am serious no joke here. Time is the currency of life and if it’s important to you, money is worth less than your time.
Are you painting for enjoyment?! Then enjoy the process!
It’s not complicated.
You are having a problem with painting?
First off its alright, everyone has been there you are not the first and you won’t be the last so what can you do well first off it depends on your problem
I want to do X
easiest problem to solve in the world, go into Google or better yet on to YouTube and type
How to paint a miniature’s X
as an example How to paint miniature eyes, How to paint a miniature’s gemstones, How to paint stubble on a miniature, and so and so on.
There is help out there.
I am not good enough
Are you sure? I doubt it, as I say with miniature painting all it is time and effort, maybe you have just been listening to the wrong people. Here are two of the right people to listen to
There is a good chance that you are good enough its just you keep comparing yourself to the wrong thing…
I am no longer enjoying the painting process
Well first off, watch the video above it may help but second of all… some people don’t know how to give feedback. If you are asking for feedback from the wrong kind of people or worse still the right people with the wrong kind of mentality. Maybe send them that article, and just say I am trying really hard to improve myself and my painting.
And your feedback means something to me.
People are human talk to them, if you let them know how you feel you’ll usually get the kind of response you are looking for. But some people aren’t equipped for that kind of feedback so just find the right kind of people. At your local game store, in a Facebook group, just don’t go where you know you will get negative feedback!
That’s it…
All the advice I can give, at least without this article blowing out of control…