Taking the plunge 3D Printing

The world of 3D printing is veiled with a certain level of mysticism, mythology and criminality…

But first a word from our sponsor RAID SHA- nah I am joking in part, however, if you need a commission painter there is always this guy

Okay on with the article

The world of 3D printing is veiled with a certain level of mysticism, mythology and criminality…

But… how is that different from anything else in our hobby? Warhammer, Magic the Gathering and every board game outside of monopoly before you entered this hobby? Didn’t they have that same veil? It’s not that scary.

3D printing can be broadly split into two categories, I will only be speaking about one.

Filament Printing

Resin Printing

Filament vs Resin Printing

I don’t know enough to talk about Filament Printing to talk about it in detail, but I will tell you that detail is not its strong suit, it is much more designed for larger prints and more robust part usage. It’s not that it is bad at all but if you're using it to print miniatures as in actual figures, you're not going to get a lot of love.

Resin Printing

Resin printing is usually what people talk about when they talk about 3D printing. Resin printing in the most simple terms gets a liquid light-reactive resin, and hitting this resin with small doses of light to create a model.

That is the TL;DR version

This is the long version feel free to skip.

3D printing from the same place that you're probably reading this, mobile phones. A small pool resin was put above this and tada, the birth of a new technology. But this is the limitation you have to remember when it comes to 3D printing that this is where it comes from and this is why most screen are quite small because they are made from the same screens as mobile phones at least at first. As a market, it is coming into its own but that comes later.

So, there is the screen at the bottom, this shoots light in short half-second bursts or sometimes longer to pool of resin contained in a vat, separated by a thin film. That hardened resin is pulled up by a build plate, once the model is done you pull it off that. That is the simple mechanics of Resin Printing.

Where to start?

First, you need a 3D printer to start printing. This is where I got my printer and I have to say I really recommend them.

No seriously I do recommend them, this isn’t link enabled for kicks.

These guys have always been quality and the printer I have gotten from them I can really recommend however there will be slight issues that I will talk about…

There is only one 3D printer series I recommend and that is the Phrozen company, they always produce quality goods but more importantly. They are the only non-CCP-involved company. even the ‘American’ brands are actually just Chinese printers. Phrozen is Taiwanese. In addition, most of you’re favourite YouTubers such as Luke APS recommend them as well for miniature wargaming printing.

The printer I have used is the Phrozen Mighty 4k

However, you don’t just need a printer you need a way of hardening your models… Some people will just use the good old sun however, if you want nice crispy models, this isn’t recommended because over ‘baking’ them can cause cracks in the model. It is worth splurging the extra two hundred to get a curing station in my opinion because if you’re spending on the printer you really should.

Okay, all you need next is some files.

Where to get files?

The files you want to get are STL files and where do you want to get them? Well, it all depends on what you want but there are a couple of places but the one I recommend the most is…

Of all of the places to get files this has to be the most reliable and the one that has the fewest problems of all of the 3D printing sites I have been on. However… If you’re looking for those files less than ill repute. I have definitely have no idea where to find them.

Cults3D is a website that I bring up for no reason at all. Just like how I am bringing up my strange political association of radical centrism, it’s almost as strong as my love of Kentucky Flying Chicks or perhaps my love of METAL BOXES! Look if you’re not picking up what I am putting down the internet isn’t a place for you.

However, being more honest, if you a looking for copyrighted and perhaps overpriced miniature file STLs to dodge such a trap… Well, you're going to have to pay attention. Hone your Google-Fu and learn to love utterly ridiculous names and love Brexit.

By the way, I have not made a single political statement in this text box and if you can’t see that… well there is no helping you.

For the long-term 3D printer most people have gotten their files through this crowd funding model however, certain creators have moved away from it considering its increasingly draconian and ill-defined rules along with the 10% cut they take for being a paywall Facebook group. I honestly don’t know how their model survives when making websites are easier than ever…

That is neither here nor there, Pateron hosts a number of creators on its platform, there have been those who have been escaping such as Raging Heroes 3D model subscription Heroes Infinite. Also, there are now alternatives such as MyMiniFactory’s Tribes which acts in the same manner but gives a secure host for content along with providing a stable shop for those 3D creators. . Before going to Pateron check if your favourite creator has their own Tribe or their own website and try supporting them there instead.

Support Local!

Don’t be confused. This is an instruction, not a title!

3DPrinters Online Australia is a great company and I cannot recommend them enough. So why haven’t they heard from me in awhile? Why don’t I buy resin from them anymore? Because there is a local shop that supplies me with my resin needs from Australia! His a Monocure reseller, and that means if I need resin, it’s a short 15 minutes away. Why is this so important? Because if I run out I can go to him, also, I can talk to him about my problems… which means I should probably change that instruction

Support those that support you

Here is the thing, you're going to have problems with 3D printing and I will get to it but… and it’s a big but, big enough that Sir Mix-A-Lot would rap about it. You are going to want support. I am very, very lucky. In the dark ages of the beginning of 3D printing, people had to check forums and chatboards to find answers to some of their dire questions. Me? I called up 3D printers online. Sure some of the time I needed to order stuff, most of the time a quick fix was done and I was right as rain. Some of the times it was not physical but instead software and I support Raging Heroes so I asked for help and one of the support staff for Atlas got to me because they work with Raging Heroes. They helped me and I am going to help you right now…

This should be your print settings.

Put that into your slicer software and it should keep you from having serious problems. One final point before I move on. Seriously, do not just go for the cheapest thing, at some point you will want support and when you're covered in resin and crying, you will be glad you didn’t opt to save a tenner by going with the cheapest ‘store’ out there.

The Dark Side

So I have been hinting to it for a bit, but let me put it this way. There is not a SINGLE! Let me repeat. Not a single! Person I know who has done 3D printing who has not had a problem with their printer. I think honestly if I set my printer up, poured the resin, pulled the models off and NEVER stuffed around with it, I would probably be fine right now, but even now… I have a problem with my printer! As I write this…

Resin, is carcinogenic meaning: it causes cancer, IF YOU EAT IT. But that also means this set up can’t be anywhere need food or little ones. Also, its sticky as hell. Photosentive meaning it reacts to light (well dah) so you don’t want it near an outside door or light pouring in… Also, you want the room to be well ventilated so it should be near to the outside of the house…

I think you are starting to see the problems pile up. I am not saying that 3D printing is impossible but these are the things no one really talks about. You should have a dedicated room for 3D printing and I don’t mean a shared space with your painting area either. To be fair I am breaking my own rules as we speak so there is that. My point is this, there is rain that goes with the rainbow of 3D printing.


HEY! Wait a minute you didn’t tell me how to 3D print models!

Nope I didn’t…

I am telling you the stuff they don’t tell you

There are much better people than me out there who can tell you how to 3D print, I am just doing a bit of an overview. As I write this its tax season, and I know some people will be looking to make use of that tax return. I think a 3D printer is a great investment, but just know 3D printing isn’t a magic pill. It isn’t a solution to all of your miniature needs, however… it a GAME CHANGER!

I was going to try and make a comparison but there is no comparison you can make to show the power of these machines! However despite that power… You shouldn’t overestimate them. 3D printers are closer to in my opinion a piece of hardware like a whipper snipper, chainsaw or lawn mower than a laser printer. That’s the kind of care you should take around them and they’re certainly more reliable than your average bubble jet… But just remember chainsaws break down, mowers need fuel, and if that snip gets in your eye while you working you’re in real trouble.

But it sure beats cutting grass by hand now, doesn’t it?

This is just the start of your journey if you choose to go down this path… but if you do. I wish you luck and the links I have provided are a good starting off point for you, I recommend these things because I use them and I know some people have been burned by 3D printing so I hope this saves some people some salves.

Until next time friends.
Keep those brushes wet and keep printing.


Frostgrave Diary: Null Zone

