Shoot for the Moon

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” - Norman Vincent Peale

Previously on Caladors dun dun, I wrote about: Starting Now perhaps the only blog where I have used profanity. I wrote about one thing, starting now to go with your goal whatever it may be and stumble your way forward. Yesterday WAYPN got its 50th member. We aimed to do that by the end of January, we are 11 days short of that goal. Or… we set a very tough goal for ourselves doubling our numbers for a very new group and then only 11 days after we set that goal for ourselves we hit it!

Motivation is perhaps the most complex and most hucksterish part of psychology because here is the basics of it.

“Those who believe they can and those who believe they can’t are both right”

A paraphrasing of Henry Ford’s famous quote “Those who believe they can do something and those who believe they can’t are both right.” - Henry Ford. However that’s not very helpful, saying if you believe in yourself you can do it, is similar to saying to people struggling ‘Have you tried not having depression?’ as I saw a response … now I am paraphrasing but I have the direct quote “I don’t get ‘painter’s block’ because I paint when I am free”… no that was a real response to someone saying I need help.

Motivation is tricky but there is one phrase which I think is good when you are trying to get ahead. and it’s right at the start.

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
- Norman Vincent Peale

We all have goals we want to reach, both in the hobby and out of it. Here are my bits of advice which can very much be expanded on by clicking those links.

Start now, Time is your Enemy, make reasonable goals but give yourself a kick, and Give Yourself Your Due, and Finally… remember When to Stop.

It is 100% a team effort to get here but I want to thank one person in particular. Joseph, you have been continually adding content to WAYPN, you have provided a friendly face to all who have come to our doors.

I am absolutely loving this community! I loving the interaction of the differing levels, kids, dads, tabletop, showcase, professionals, and amateurs and not one of you has brought anyone down.

You have all worked to lift one another up!

I am proud of all of you. Thank you for helping to make this community what it is, and let’s keep making a great place for hobbyists to share their stuff and to beat the social media algorithm by showing love to people, not hate.

Much love people and say it with me now…



Preparation of Bases


When to stop?