Making your terrain Extra!
Making your terrain extra and diminishing returns.
Rational choice theory is an economic and social theory that assumes individuals make rational choices based on self-interest and utility maximization.
Yes, this is why we buy plastic toy soldiers which cost vastly more than they should. Because everyone is a rational actor. Are you really going to open a hobby blog about >Terrain< with a lesson on economics?
Upon hitting the point of diminishing returns, every input will give you less out put. This in short is the problem with miniature painting, and hobby painting in general. You put in a little and people can become very impressed or they can become quite snobbish depending on where you are. But as a rule a solid colour is better than no colour, thus colour plastic miniatures. White prime and then contrast colour is better than no colour at all. However when you get doing eyes…
Well people are pattern recognition machines so if the eyes are off they notice.
Thus coming we come to the terrain.
Making Terrian Extra
Most terrain will be just fine doing what we did here. Just doing some different shades in an airbrush for some variation, a dry brush and a wash. This works fine. I could do up all of the nails on the board and I just might. However, is this diminishing returns? Maybe… However, let me show you something else where we went totally ‘Extra’
Having the path be plain would have shown off the colours we painted for the different cobblestones. However, now it looks more like a real street. This is done by just adding a tuft or two and some dirt in the form of pigment powder.
This for me is exactly the sweet spot of adding to the terrain you are doing. Let me give you another example.
Spray grey, paint a few rocks a different colour, do a unifying drybrush, black wash, put varnish in the cracks add tile grout and then dirty up with some pigment powder to make it look real.
That’s just seven steps instead of the usual five…
Also, I am very happy with the result it is quite striking.
But why do I dirty everything up? Well to make it look a little more lived in… because… Here is a step before when they get dirty.
Its all about those diminishing returns how much extra do you want to add/take. How far ae you willing to push things.
Rust step 1
Step 2
Individually paint different cable wires
Paint all the trims, the symbols
Do a chipping effect on the paint you have there?
Now that is extra…
So what is Extra?
When you are being over the top, excessive, dramatic, and it's mostly over nothing!
I was doing that for Armies on Parade where I came second for painting… yep… You can put all of this in for… Nothing. Nothing at all… But…it all depends… on how you look at it.
Rational choice theory is an economic and social theory that assumes individuals make rational choices based on self-interest and utility maximization.
Here is the issue, this model was used for FAR too long by economists, and you who has zero experience with economics can understand why it’s flawed. People aren’t rational, trying for full utility maximisation. No, we are social and emotional creatures. So is all of this too much for what you are trying to achieve? I don’t know, only you do. Are you enjoying it? Then keep doing it, if you just want to get it done, shave some steps.
People expect paint and little more
The way to give your terrain that little bit of extra spice is simple. You just add something more, beyond what people expect. People expect paint… So if your painting say some trees?
Go for a different colour to normal! Add some fallen leaves, add some moss or tufts to the base. Just add that extra little bit. Its not a lot but it will sure seem like a lot!
Add some lily pads and some fallen leaves in your water feature. Not a lot but its something extra and gives a little bit more.
Add some lights and scatter terrain to make a flat building have a bit more life.
It doesn’t take a lot
But it all depends on what you want, that terrain that I spent ages, on. I can now use it for Necromunda games and I did for a little while had a cracking game. Well games
I threw everything at him… including the kitchen skin ha ha!
But more seriously if you enjoy making the stuff. If you enjoy creating objects of wonder, that people like to look at… You didn’t waste your time for second place, you pushed on with a goal in mind not knowing what was at the end. But… you got lots of great work in progress shots, you noted everything down you know how to make this again and again!
But for me… it is about diminishing returns.
A painting unseen, a poem unread, a game unplayed, they are all their own special kind of tragedy.
So share it. With everyone on the internet if you like, or just with one person, someone special.
Because we aren’t rational beings trying to maximise utility, we are trying to find happiness. So I hope this helped you find a bit of it.
Til next time friends
Keep those brushes wet