Elementary my dear
Elementary my dear is a saying by Sherlock Holmes from his books where he points out the obvious, the problem is it isn’t obvious… to us.
However this is the problem with a lot of things, what is obvious to one person is revolutionary to another person. It is easy to get into the idea that we know all the basics. So I just want to introduce you to some basics.
Blue tac
Blue tac is very versatile it can be used to hold things in place, obviously one of the things I use it for is a technique people call dry fitting where you put pieces together to see if everything is fitting together. This will act as a sudo glue.
But old dogs can learn new tricks, Brushstrokes here shows how blue tack can be used to more precisely apply weathering powder by removing it with blue tack to create a better fade.
More than just my logo…
Cardboard particularly stiff cardboard can be used in a number of ways. Currently I am doing 180 city street titles, most of these tiles are a mix of cobblestone and pavers. I am doing this as a personal project so even more than usual speed is of utmost importance.
Card helps me speed along by sectioning the two with my own business card. I spray the pavers grey and then I place card between the pavers and cobblestone and spray it. Its nothing revolutionary but with simple card you can create clean lines when using an airbrush or rattle can.
Toothpicks and Cotton buds
To be honest when I wrote that I didn’t have something directly in mind, but! The reason I wrote that is simple. It’s a must on my table, I always have them in reach. I use cotton buds to clean a variety of things or rub things off without being too harsh. I use toothpicks to create scratches and battle damage on minitatures in the right scale without being too damaging as it’s wood and it won’t strike too hard with the right application of pressure. However…
The big thing is how you use these things.
I know what I use them for… but what do you use?
Something that is simple and cost effective!
No I am serious, tell us here what is the one hobby tool you use that is so simple that may be… just maybe it is a paper clip idea and you never even realised it.
Oh and that other thing.