Why am I so focused on works in progress?
WiP meaning Work in Progress. Don’t try and tell me why they are captailised that way, I don’t know. What I do know is why I am so focused on works in progress.
The answer is simple.
You have achieved something. Not like an Xbox achievement where you do the super special thingy and now get a dopamine rush because you did the thing! THE THING! You did it!!! No, I mean you made something. You cleaned something. You did something.
I have done a lot of jobs. A lot. Some jobs if I described them in detail… you might lose your lunch, others where it was a lot easier, even though sometimes the easier ones were more stressful.
A tremendous amount.
It's the same reason I use too many words instead of the right amount. It shows your work.
Yep that’s my stuff even back then I was trying my little heart out trying to perfect painting writing making my own unique models out of spare parts, I was making demonhosts and I thought hey I can use this piece and that piece and little green stuff and…
Well the pictures aren’t the best but… The paint jobs are fine… but they are just fine nothing to write home about.
I turned someone’s disappointment in their failed attempt into the vision they wanted. They had a vision and I helped it come true and here is the proof. Little videos show bits of progress between me and them and they saw it move step by step.
One of my best creations…
I made this model, no model on Earth looks like it other than this… but… it has less of an impact than my first little project up there with the bad photography and poor lighting? Why?
I’ll tell you why. You are seeing yet another finished model, and now it is compared to the sea of finished models out there on the internet. Sure, those are actual painted in highlights in the hair giving the idea of sheen and gloss to black hair which is damn hard to do, but when you compare it to a golden demon winner? It doesn’t score very highly. Sure there is directionality in the eyes looking towards the ball… but… when you compare that to (Insert Spanish Painter here).
Then when you compare it to the four-picture journey at the very start. It’s not much in fact it’s barely anything you don’t get to see the work, but you do see something, you see the model before it got its chains, and you see that it’s made up of a Hodge podge of parts.
An Idea… a vision laid out
You start feeling the weight of it
New Skills are required
A refinement of techniques
A mounting pressure and then…
The Finalé
I came second…
But imagine if we had started here? You just see a lot models and someone saying, I came second. You don’t feel the weight of that journey, you don’t feel anything other than, so the first place was probably better than you. Without these works in progress you can’t feel the weight of this project I put my all into it… yet… I came second.
My opponent was a worthy opponent and I think did well, his army was a lot cleaner, and neater, and well some of the time that’s how it goes.
My formidable opponent
who got a hard-won victory
okay, I hope it was hard won maybe it was easy…
That wasn’t all that happened that year and it certainly wasn’t my hardest loss…
That year there was a wedding of a friend, I had a breakup…
Still it wasn’t the greatest loss, I lost friends when I pointed out the blatantly obvious… still that wasn’t the greatest loss
I lost family
Both of them
But life is about the journey
If we only focus on the end…
And we will miss the new beginnings
Because… I am not sure if anyone told you this…
But life… it is a work in progress
You will miss those
moments in between
Those rare moments
Some of those moments…
You live for them
This is in-between
Because this is a work in progress…
If that doesn’t sell you on the idea that works in progress matter.
Nothing will.
Nothing starts finished.
Til next time friends, keep those brushes wet