Prints of Opportunity
I am sure you have met him, and it is a him. He says it’s my pile of opportunity, there are miniatures piled up dating back to the 80s, un-cut sprues, half-cut sprues, and a distinct lack of organisation.
I believe in piles of opportunity, I have one I call it my conversion box. It has mostly Elf and Eldar minis (though I never really collected either army) because they kitbash so well. All together in one handy dandy box. I also have some other unfinished projects that are my pile of shame.
OKAY, so why all this prelude? I will tell you why, you remember kitbashing, conversion and the monster mash. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here, or you are very adventurous either way the people I am trying to talk about
Each one of these prints failed in some way but taking a look at them most keen eyed people wouldn’t be able to spot what it is… plus… one isn’t a fail at all which had piece added. Can you tell which is which?
Failed Prints
Now why did I do that distinction before? So you know I am not just blowing hot air. It’s a set up, see there are failed printed which are complete failures they are just through and through a failure…
However, what I want to talk to you about is prints of opportunity.
Prints of Opportunity
These are prints where some key part has stuffed up, the body, the hands, the head whatever it may be… Now if you’re anything like me you hoarded every single head you ever got off a sprue in fact you probably have a decently sized bit box…
but you know… I have a feeling… you have never kitbashed a 3D print. Why not?
I mean why the Truck not?!
3D prints fails have arms, heads and other parts you may use for adaption on other models. We are all for recycling except for when it comes to these things. I believe I know why: the reason is in the title, they are failures, thus we change our thinking.
We have to stop looking at these as failures, and instead see where you have mostly complete model or something where a hand, head or something else broke off as something you can use,
Without having these ‘failures’ I wouldn’t have this…
My new Inquisitorial Warband, all of which come from a company I really like use/working with (I am in no way sponsored). See I love how sprawling and weird and wacky old Warhammer 40k used to be and its kind of crawling its way back into the game with some of the kill teams. But I turned some fails through my own doing (I was a clutz with cleaning) into something new. I am really happy with them. Maybe you have some fails you can rescue
If you have a print of opportunity or something you would like to share please visit us and show it off at WAYPN! What Are YOU Painting NOW?!
We would love to see your prints of opportunity and your works in progress!
We are looking forward to seeing you there and keep those brushes wet!