Paying the rent

“Pay your rent” Hernian Adage: meaning “You must support your local business or it won’t exist”

“Use it or lose it” OId Adage: meaning that one must continually engage in and practice an ability or risk losing it.

My and my misses favourite restaurant no longer exists. It was the best food she had eaten in the world, and she has been around the place…

Do you own any media? I am being serious, do you own any media any at all? A book, CD, DVD, Blu-Ray? The reason I ask is simple, streaming, on-demand video, the Internet! Some people own very little media at all, but what they do own is precious to them.

For some people, they don’t understand why it is better to physically own something, they literally think the digital version is better.

Big Trouble, where do you find it? I am speaking about this move shown in the picture above? Where do you stream it? You couldn’t even pirate it if you wanted to. Why? It’s not popular.

You may not like it but I love this movie. It has so many big-name actors in it that you would probably be like what no… That can’t possibly be true.
Patrick Warburton, Johnny Knoxville, Zooey Deschanel, Dennis Farina, Stanley Tucci and Janeane Garofalo

All of these people are SIDE CHARACTERS! There is a nuke in this movie, it goes through an airport, this movie is made after 9/11 or September the 11th 2001 for the non-American and youth in the room. This movie is insane, and I LOVE IT! There is no way anyone can understand, unless they have seen it.

That is your local hobby shop.

Big Trouble is your local hobby shop. It is impossible to explain unless someone has experienced it. Like trying to explain that this was Johnny Knoxville last movie and perhaps first serious rolejust before he made Jackass and how that completely changed him. This is perhaps the last time we will ever see the late great Dennis Farina showing off his comedic chops by playing the streight man the whole movie. This is Patrick Warburton’s transition movie between from voice over acting to actual serious performance, he did the tick before this but this was him getting back into his own skin.

You say all that and it sounds like okay, your really passionate about… Nothing of real importance. That is the difference between you, and the rest of the world. You are here. Still reading this, you understand the importance of passion, how words can ignite a passion and since you know that…

The humble hobby haven here hasn’t had happy hours or hearafters. Heartfelt hearthy hopes hardly help. However, heaving helping of hordes of holding may hike hopes and hearts.

There isn’t a streaming equivalent for your hobby shop. You can’t go online and have that same level of personal connection. There might be hang outs for arts, gamers, and so on and so on. But The hobby shop is your DVD, once it’s lost it’s gone forever.

There is no more Blockbuster

There is no more Co-op screen share video games

There is no more events where no one cancels or flakes out on you

Perhaps I am now an old man, who pines for days of old… except I am not…

I am very lucky, I have a hobby shop, that is great and welcoming. They risked everything and opened during covid, they made it our favourite restaurant didn’t. They made it through covid, renovated and then died soon after. This is the problem, I thought I had time. I thought I could wait until my wallet was a little less barren. But time waits for no man.

Do you have something you love? I don’t care if its a Friendly Local Gaming Store or anything else, whatever it is, if you truly care about it, you will pay your rent. The problem with rent is you gotta keep paying it, because if you don’t that thing you love disappears. And some things don’t need money for their rent to be paid, they are usually the things that sleep next to you… but some things definitely do.

Pay the rent to that brush and keep it wet

Until next time friends


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