Differences in Kind

Contrast, if you have talked to me about painting your probably sick of hearing from me about. However colour contrast isn’t the only kind of contrast you can have!

Okay so you are the worst painter in the world or so your brain tells you on a regular basis and you have started to believe the hype. This is a Dwarf I did up for a commission. With just gloss, suddenly those plain black shoulder pads stick out a LOT more. Okay… but your a humble peasant or so your brain tells you so what can you do?

Drybrushing is a technique where… get this… you brush with the paint mostly dry. It is often considered a beginner technique but in my opinion it is one of the best techniques to learn as a painter; If you want to develop quickly, especially if you are painting with Games-Workshop miniatures (Warhammer Store). This Screamer its transitions were done purely with drybrushing and people asked if I had an airbrush which I did not but that’s how smooth they thought the transitions were. Drybrushing is a great technique. Here are some people to learn from.

Duncan Rodes still working for Games-Workshop Runtime= 3:46
(Remember you don’t have to use citadel specific paints or drybrush specific paints to drybrush)

Zumikito Miniatures more specifics Runtime = 10:24

Artist Opius Complete guide Runtime = 33:29

Differences in kind

So you’re wondering why I did that little detour? Well, Drybrushing is a SUPER simple technique to learn it is literally one of the best techniques to learn in my opinion and if you just have two types of drybrushes you can create two differences in kind. All you need is a regular drybrush and a makeup brush like an eyeliner or something like that. Now you can create two differences in kind.

Contrast paints

You remember them? After all, the advertising said that a mere peasant can become a 21st worker! (just so you know in this gimmick its your brain telling you these things not me…) So contrast some parts of the body but not others don’t just slap it everywhere. Now you have two differences in kind.

Regular Painting

Just your regular painting and all of a sudden with regular base, wash, rebase, highlight all of a sudden you have three differences of kind. With this, you can create something with visual interest. even if you believe you don't have a lot of talent. These are all very simple techniques. None of them are special but not only have your differences in colour but also in kind and you can start to get an appreciation for the differences how that makes the model look.

Alternatively, you could hit different areas with satin and high gloss and see the difference that way.

I hope this has been helpful and…
As always…

Keep those brushes wet and I will see you…



Three feet vs three inches


Healthy Painting