Dedication’s reward
1144 Bits of Terrain
830 Walls and Floors sections
181 Accessories Pieces
13 Bridge and Stair Pieces
How did we do it?
Once I lost 40kg, (don’t worry I put most of it back on) and when I did… People asked perplexed, how did I do it? You know what I am about to say….
Diet and Exercise
So how did we get all of that painted up, how did we manage to dig out of the pile of shame and get all of our terrain for Dungeons and Lasers done?! You’re going to roll your eyes…
Time and Effort
I told you, you were going to roll your eyes. You know the answer, but if you are here I am guessing that you want to know how you can do it how can you accomplish this? What steps did we take and how did we get it done?
Start NOW!
Time is the currency of life and waiting… waiting is just a bad investment.
Why are you waiting? Why are you waiting for ‘that thing'? Motivation doesn’t hit. Your friend isn’t coming over. New Year’s isn’t as close as you think. Just do it…
It may seem like the unhinged rants of a madman.
So you have to just start, now it doesn’t matter how big or how small. You just have to start.
No, I am not joking do it now!
Did you do it?
Did you do something?
Good! Great.
However, this is basically all of the greatest hits from my article…
Pile of Shame
Written about how to deal with your pile of shame… however, I just want to go on about one thing for a hot minute… You don’t for a second question how a pile of shame builds up… just like at the start of the article you didn’t question how I said I put more weight on… that is the standard…
You all know how it happens and you all know how to succeed, what you are looking for is…
Big Project Motivation
Yes, I did an article on that too…
I guess if you got this far… the real question is… what is holding you back? You know what you have to do. You do, I am certain you do.
There is always something…
There is always more work… There is always a new shiny… there is always something…
But, If you dedicate a few hours each week, get some discipline and then… Just do it… You will get there. I know you can, I know you will, if you just will it.
Keep those brushes wet friends, til next time.