I am a creator.
A creator of minitures, of sets, of worlds.
What are you looking to create? For time is the currency of life and you must choose how you spend it. If you love painting as I do you should paint, but how much do you have to paint? Do you want a particularly stylish commander? Do you want a display piece to show people that this hobby of yours is an art form as much as a game? Do want something to sit on your computers tower in souless cubical to give it that flare that you really need?
You are a creator too.
Just some of your creations are trapped in your head, let me help free them.
Hi! I am Henry.
Caladors is the alas I have used online forever!
I just like making stuff. I love painting. I am not joking I am a creator, I write, I paint, and make things.
My Focus
My focus is on creating stories. I love stories, nothing is better than a good story. There was a show that I remember as a kid and it always had the tagline of ‘and the best place by the fireside was always saved for the storyteller’. This is so true, if someone can tell a good story they are enraptured. However, stories aren’t always told with just words. A paint scheme and a solid basing scheme will tell a story. Men in desert camouflage, all on bases of a ruined city tells you a story.
I want to help tell your story.
Infact I will share one with you just look across and tell me the story…