
Whole Models

Whole models
Prices for 25mm and 32mm

Individual Model                                                               AUD $12.90

D&D party                                                                           AUD $27.10

(Group of six models)

Military Squad                                                                    AUD $51.50

(Group of 12 models)

Monster Models
Prices for ‘Monsters’ Models 32mm+

Monster                                                                               AUD $25.35

(Model up 52mm in size negotiable)

Pack                                                                                      AUD $36.75

(Three monster models)

Bulk Models
Prices for Large Orders 

Blood Bowl Team                                                              AUD $86.60

(16 models up to 3 big guys 32+mm)

A WHOLE DUNGEON?!                                                  AUD $129.90

(32 models up to 6 Monsters. You may replace 3 models for another monster)

A WHOLE ARMY?!                                                           AUD $216.80

(64 models up to 6 Monsters. You may replace 3 models for another monster)


Prices for printing parts

Bed Hire                                                                               AUD $10.00


10 Small Parts                                                                     AUD $12.00

(heads, arms, torsos)

20 Small Parts                                                                    AUD $20.00

30 Small Parts                                                                    AUD $30.00


5 Large Parts                                                                       AUD $12.00

(large model parts 32mm+)

10 Large Parts                                                                   AUD $20.00

20 Large Parts                                                                   AUD $30.00


3 Extra Large Parts                                                           AUD $12.00

(tank guns, wings…)

10 Extra Large Parts                                                         AUD $30.00

Custom Jobs

Prices for custom print services

Quote                                                               AUD $20.00
Bed Hire per bed                                          AUD $10.00
Hourly Hire per hire           AUD $2.50

Cost of materials                                           Various

About our 3D printing service

Here's a brief rundown on 3D printing services. It's important to understand that as a service provider, I only print 3D files (STLs) that you provide and I don't search for files for you. If you're looking for specific 3D models, there are many resources available such as Facebook groups, Telegram chats, and Discord servers. If you're searching for a wider range of options, websites like MyMiniFactory, Cults3D and Pateron offer a vast selection of model makers. Additionally, Hero Forge allows you to create custom miniatures and purchase the STL files, although they come without support. I personally enjoy Heroes Infinite by Raging Heroes, despite the challenge of their prints.

What I cannot do is find the files for you, what I can do is print them.

When it comes to the cost of 3D printing, it primarily comes down to time. If your STL files are not already supported, I charge a fee of 15 dollars per file for adding the necessary supports and ensuring a successful print. While this fee may seem high, it is due to my past experiences with failed prints. Most professional STL companies have a dedicated support team for this exact reason. Despite having supported files, there is still a 33.3% chance of failure when printing a new file for the first time, even with professional support. Additionally, 3D printers have a limited lifespan with approximately 1000 hours of printing before the screen begins to fail, and this doesn't take into account the necessary maintenance. Considering that some prints can take up to 10 hours, this means each machine can only produce around 100 prints.

How do I get files to you?!

There are three primary ways you can get files to me. Google Drive, Drop box or I can buy them for you. In the case of buying them for you, before we begin we will discuss things, and I will give you info on the files in question, the reason for this as I said above I charge 15 dollars for adding supports and print insurance per file, so if someone is selling an unsupported I will be the first person to let you know. Because I don’t want the bad wrap for charging extra when it was them who was skimping out on the work.

Can’t I just e-mail them to you?! As a general rule, no… these files are massive.

Get in touch

I am here to listen, tell me about your project, your dream, and your vision, and let’s make it come true!

Please include your name, contact details, the project you want to work on and the level you're looking at.

Regarding Character Level Model

I would like to have you paint up a character for my army. My name is Anon, you can contact me on 555-555 or e-mailing More details are below…